Sunday 22 February 2015

And relax...

As I sit in Hartford International airport I can't believe it's  7 weeks since I  arrived in a rather dishevelled state that I would be sitting here having graduated Winter Turf School. Through all the snow, storm's & quizzes me and my fellow Turf School students made it. We lost a couple by the wayside but I'd like to thank everyone who was there with me. A extra special nod to the 'lunch' crew who made that hour long break so enjoyable. I sip from the Scorpion bowl to our continued success & friendship. Where to begin with Turf School.? It's aptly named,  but that would be doing this great course a massive disservice. From Dr.Jung journey into Turf Pathology via South Korea & Wisconsen, the seemingly endless (but fascinating) lectures on soil science, turf physiology with it's new (for me) look at what exactly goes on & why to make the green stuff grow, the weird & wonderful world of Entomology, and turfgrass mathematics, never did I believe I would enjoy maths & calculations quite as much, a nod to Dr.Ebdon for this seemingly impossible task to help me grasp the number's game. And to  the rest of the subjects that came in their waves but who's enjoyment & interest was no less important to the whole experience. I'm leaving Turf School a wiser man in both terms of knowledge & understanding. I'd like to thank all those who made it possible, Toro, Bigga, my work colleagues & my family. It really has been a life changing experience.
So as I sit penning my thoughts I hope you've enjoyed what little sense I may have made over these last 7 weeks. I'm not finished yet this side of the pond. Onwards now to Toro HQ, a place I've been repeatedly told is colder than Amherst and then on to the GCSAA Show in San Antonio. Again all sure to be an amazing experience. I won't care if I never see snow again, and a sympathetic nod to the UK greenkeeper's currently sleeping in hotel lobby's as you wind your way to Texas. Keep the faith people, I'm told it's sunshine all the way in Texas. It's been enjoyable.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Let it snow, let it snow.....

First there was Juno, then Lelia & Mario has just finished doing his thing. But what are these things I hear you ask? Although sounding like a 1970's cabaret act these are the names of the snow storms that have swept over New England this past week. Two thing's, I'm all for people taking ownership of certain thing's, but naming storm's? I suppose in the world of hurricanes it's the done thing but we've had three snow storms in a week and the 'naming committee',  I'm sure there is one, had better be ready to keep the rather dubious honour of naming storm's after erstwhile plumber's (or ineffective Italian footballers??!!)  and alike. But of more importance to me it's meant the university has been closed for three day's. Very annoying indeed but I can understand the reasoning when with each storm there has been about 2-3 feet of snow.
This has meant a change in our program for the week has our schedule includes guest speakers and lectures. So despite all the disruption we've had the usual mix of pathology , soil science, physiology, weed science + the added bonus of a golf course Superintendent & golf course architect. First up was Mr Bill Spence who is the Superintendent at Brookline County Club in Boston. Now Bill has been at the helm for more than 30 years and has hosted US Open 's, Ryder Cup & US  Amateur event's , in addition to previously being in charge of Pebble Beach & Kansas City CC where a certain Mr T Watson was a rather well known member. It was fascinating to hear him speak on the, familiar it has to be said, daily struggles with managing the agronomic needs of the golf course with the equally important needs & demands of the golfer's. But one of his most important and well used skills was good communication. Now this is something that has become a  more relied upon trait for many a greenkeeper, being it speaking to a golfer on the course or addressing a conference audience. It was also interesting to hear  Bill say how, in a traditional Greenkeeping way, he enjoyed nothing more than insisting he was right & 'discussing'  this point til the end..!! But over time he had realised that there where easier ways to get your point over..
Next up was Mr Tim Gearish , golf course architect. He took us through the history of golf  course architect's , citing the importance of how generation's had been influenced by previous experience of working with or seeing design features that architect's had used. Also of importance was the role that Scottish link's played in this design evolution & the importance, in both a design & historical sense, of some of the original British link's & heathland course's. Quite literally the history of golf & Greenkeeping.  It was also noted, as is becoming a trend, that using the land that nature provided was the ultimate design goal & that would lend the golf course to be a better fit with the surrounding land than forcing the surrounding land to fit with the golf course.
Some of the week has also been spent looking into ways of minimising or reducing the effects of Winter kill on golf courses. It's been an insight into how course's try to deal with what can well be up to 4 months of snow & ice cover, and the resulting damage that inevitable occurs. And also how short the golfing season can be. Grass species selection, covers and fungicide & fertility application's along with Spring time renovation techniques all play a part in determining how much damage or how quickly surfaces can can restored. As does the major uncontrollable factor, mother nature herself. So as we in the midst of the sixth largest snowfall year on record, who knows what will be waiting under the snow covers round these part's, hopefully something green..

As for Turf School only 10 days left, I'm sure there be plenty squeezed in.
Away from Turf School, it's been a mix of lots of snow, local micro brews, hot table Paninni (easy now, it's a sandwich shop serving, hot Paninni's, to eat at a table..!!)
and I attended my second ice hockey match. Just as brutal as the first. Great...

Sunday 1 February 2015

Halfway through

There comes a time when one should reflect on what's been achieved & look forward to what's coming up. A little deep? Possibly, in other words I'm halfway through my 8 week trip so let's have a little round up at what I've been up to.

It's been quite a week in this corner of the US. I awoke last Sunday to be met by all manner of weather warnings for the forthcoming Tuesday. Bit excessive was my initial reaction but after speaking to everyone at school on Monday I was reliable informed that the aforementioned snow storm would arrive and it had since been upgraded to an event.!!! Exciting times ahead. Well firstly the university closed down for two days in preparation, bit of time to catch up with thing's and allowed me to experience my first 'weather event'. So Monday evening the snow was forecast to start around 6pm and continue until Wednesday with forecasts for around 3-4 feet of snow. That's a lot of snow. Even for round these part's. So I did what everyone seemed to be doing and headed to the liquor store and got myself some supplies. Now I was ready. So as forecast the snow arrived and it continued to snow for about 24 hour's. Now as I have previously mentioned in these part's, there used to dealing with extreme weather event's round here and as the snow continued to fall all manner of snow ploughs continued to do there thing & transport bans where put in place to restrict movement. It has to be said I was very impressed with the organisation of the whole thing. Praise indeed..!! So as my supplies dwindled the resulting snow storm 'Juno' had deposited just over 2 foot, quite a bit short of what was predicted but still a fairly impressive amount.

So with two days of no classes it gave me, and some other fellow Winter Turf School collegues the opportunity to attend the New England Turf Show. Now due to the weather the event was scaled back a bit but it was still very enjoyable. Highlight of the day was a presentation by Bob Farren, Golf Courses Manager at Pinehurst golf resort. He talked us through the changes made at the #2 course and hosting back to back men & ladies US Open. Fascinating stuff. Especially how the course has been taken back to its original features & look and in a time where the  'manicured' look is the supposedly ideal. A case in point of managing each venue on it's strengths and location.
One other thing about the day was how far we travelled, over 400 miles.!! Still not got to grips with how big this place is..!!
But it did allow for another stop at Dunkin. Keeping America, and me moving..!!
So the rest of the week it was back to school with everyone returning slightly refreshed, apart from those who had embarked on 400 mile road trip.

So let's have a little recap. It seems like I've been here ages, the nightmare journey getting here is just a fading nightmare. The course continues to move along at fair old pace. Everyone on the course is really getting along and helping each other out. We've lost a couple of students for varying reasons but everyone is getting on with what I'm sure will be a packed next couple of week's. Next weeks highlights include soil chemistry & physiology, aborculture, disease management & a couple of guest lectures from the USGA agronomist department. Busy, but enjoyable week ahead.

So as Sunday dawns, the natives are getting excited about the super bowl, I'll be doing my bit, to quote Ron Burgundy 'when in Rome' by watching a game I don't fully understand but hopefully cheering at the right time's  (and more importantly for the right team..).
It's also rather pleasing to note the game will be played on natural turf, justification , if any where needed why the green stuff will always be best.....

Saturday 24 January 2015

America runs on dunkin....

So another week passes on my journey through Winter Turf School. Has it been any different, what has happened I hear you call? Well let me tell you.
Firstly, being British, let's start with the weather. It's warmed up this last week and been a barmy 1C, not normally something I'd take as a positive but as the UK has been shivering with some positively Artic conditions I've enjoyed the 'warm' week. We'll taking no pleasure I'm hasten to add in your freezing week!! But today we've returned to something resembling normality with Snow Storm Iola rolling in and dumping 8 inches of the white stuff on this fair part of the North East USA. But it's amazing to see how prepared they are here to tackle it, snow ploughs by the dozen have been doing there stuff and keeping things moving.
So what else, I made a little promise to myself as I set off for the US to try and engage in the local customs & traditions of my host's during my stay. So this week I've been to Dunkin Donuts for my breakfast  (not everyday..!!), loved it, & tried brisket, awful. Now I'm not sure what it was but I didn't enjoy it. But in my role as cultural ambassador I won't let the brisket incident spoil my future culinary experience while I'm this side of the pond. I've also been supporting the local micro brewing community, a role I'd be happy to do undertake anywhere. Just to put that out there...

So to Winter School activities. It's been a week dominated by maths. Now to say maths & numbers isn't my strong point would be putting it lightly, 5 goes to get my GCSE C grade at Maths is clear evidence of this. But I'd like to think that, as 5 attempts shows I can be fairly persistent. So as the number's have been coming thick & fast, in decimal, fraction and just about any other form numbers can present themselves I've tackled them head on. And with, I'm fairly happy to report decent results to date. But the good thing about being here is how the lectures have tailored the number's bit to help everyone get 'along with it'. I should mention I'm not the only person on the course who froze with fear when the number's where rolled out....
But as everything has been so far on the course it's all relevant and will be off great use to me in the future.
In addition to the maths I've learnt completely new things this week. Which just goes to show how much they pack in during a week. The terms Soil Colloids, Rubisco, Adsorption, Micelle & Isomorphous Substitution have all been intoduced during the week and I've been blown away but the terms and there function in keeping things green..!!
Finally for those who attended BTME I hope it was enjoyable & educational in equal measures. Judging by some of the photos I've had the misfortune o seeing it looks like normal service was resumed!!

So as Iola continues to cover us in snow I'll get back to some study as I await my next insight into the great American culinary world, pizza delivery....

For now, goodbye.

Saturday 17 January 2015

May the BTME be with you

So dear friends as I sit down to post my latest ramblings I cast a knowing nod to those of you who are Harrogate bound, or the lucky few who have arrived already. I, as do most UK greenkeeper's, look forward to BTME week as a time to further our knowledge & understanding of our industry by attending the education seminars, looking round the show & least and by no means last cramming into some of North Yorkshire's finest watering hole's to 'network'..!!??
So to all those attending enjoy.

So week 2 of Winter Turf School has passed. And the pace has been as relentless as week 1. This week we've covered turf pathology, soil science, turf weeds, entemolgy, irrigation, turf fertility needs and golf course management. Each subject has been again a series of lectures & discussion groups with daily exams (I've given up calling them Quiz's..) and homework assignments. Don't get me wrong there are no complaints, I consider myself very fortunate to be hear & I'm learning a great deal. One interesting point to come out of the week has been how Poa Annua  (Kentucky Bluegrass ) to my host's , is considered a weed grass. Now I'm not going to start any sort of debate but it's interesting how coming from a background where we manage Poa /Bent greens, not everywhere granted, as to is it still right to consider it a weed grass? Now I suppose by definition a weed is an undesirable species, but as we discussed in class are you  better to try & manage what you have or try to control & strive for more finer grasses in our swards. Interesting stuff. And no clear answers. Which is what I found interesting that the same points of discussion are 'hot ' topics this side of the pond. Although I've yet to meet a UK collegue who as a raccoon or coyote problem..!!!

So as we move into week 3 I have fungicides to learn by the collective 'bucket' load (courtesy of the previously mentioned Dr Jung..Legend) and I'm sure the pace will continue relentlessly. And I'll be all the better for it.

Away from Turf School, I've been to my first bluegrass  (not the 'weed'!!) gig, everyone went to the pub after class on Friday, more than the first week, team bonding & everyone is getting excited about the 'football '  game today. Semi final day in the NFL. I'll be supporting the 'Patriots', when in Rome etc, but also smiling inside as I think of the good times being had in North Yorkshire & the fact the Rochdale sit 5th on the league. Cheers everyone.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Up & ready for work..?!!

So I'm up and ready for work. The annoying thing is though I'm obviously (2000 miles..??!!) away from Muswell Hill Golf Club and wide awake. What's the problem I hear you ask?  We'll it's midnight in the US, so there's o real need for me to be up.! Does jet lag take a week to kick in? So thought I'd share my weeks experience's thus far. It's been a week dominated by Soil science, 3 lectures & 3 'Quiz's  (see previous post for definition), grass identification & Turf & fungicide pathology. Let's start with the soil science, ranging from soil textures to bulk & particle properties of the soil, this has to date probably been my most enjoyable lectures. It's been fascinating looking in depth at the workings & importance of the soil, almost like a look under the bonnet of the finely tuned engine that is our beloved turf..!! The grass identification classes involve us growing unidentified (to date ) specimens in the greenhouses here at Umass and making a report on our findings. It's always a pleasure to go into the laboratory facilities, one because it's a very impressive facility & the other because the temperature is set to warm. Something that can't be said for outside.!!
Finally the week (2 days..!?) has meant Dr.Jung. For those who have attended Winter Turf School I'm gonna leave it at that. More to follow for sure but his fungicide table is out and I'm trying to get to grips with it.

Outside of Turf School,  quick weather update,  another 3 inches of snow Monday morning, no problems for anyone, I'm happy to report there's some decent local brewing goes on (might have to set myself a Quiz..??!!!, and the local 'football ' team are doing quite well.

That's it for this installment, cheers.